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Dancing for a Miracle Sponsorships


Presenting Sponsor: $35,000

  • 16 VIP tickets, 2 tables of 8, center stage seating
  • Full page ad in program
  • Pre-event recognition: website, social media, event materials
  • Use of the Presidential Suite at the Embassy Suites the night of the event

Believe Sponsor:  $25,000

  • 8 tickets with premium seating
  • ½ page ad in programs
  • Pre-event recognition: website, social media, event materials
  • Private dance lesson for 8 from 3Sixty Powerhouse Entertainment

Miracle Sponsor: $15,000

  • 8 tickets with premium seating
  • ¼ page ad in programs
  • Pre-event recognition: website, social media, event materials
  • Private dance lesson for 8 from 3Sixty Powerhouse Entertainment

    Hero Sponsor: $10,000

  • 8 tickets with premium seating
  • Thank You featured in the program
  • Pre-event recognition: website, social media, event materials

    Hope Sponsor: $5,000

  • 8 tickets with preferred seating
  • Thank You featured in the program
  • Pre-event recognition: website, social media, event materials

    Dream Sponsor: $2,500

  • 8 or 10 tickets with reserved seating
  • Thank You featured in the program

General Table Sponsorship: $1,400

  • 8 tickets reserved seating

