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Brooke is raising money for Trivia Bowl 2020

Fundraising Amount=$0.00 ; Goal=$500.00
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Please help me raise money for Children's Hospital Foundation!

In an environment like 2020, our children need our help more than ever. Our work at the Children's Hospital Foundation helps to provide life saving and altering equipment and research to our local Children's Hospital here in Oklahoma.

We serve kids and families from all 77 counties, but we cannot do it without support from people like you. I encourage you to give whatever you can - no matter how small. Every dollar counts.

Welcome to my fundraising page! I'm on a mission to help sick and injured kids in my local community and I need your help. Children’s Hospital Foundation improves the health of children through its support of research and education at the Oklahoma Health Center. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries they may get from just being a kid.

To help raise funds and awareness for these sick and injured kids, I'm a member of Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Innovative Board and we are hosting the 8th annual Trivia Bowl on December 3rd,2020 at the Winchester Drive-In in OKC. The Trivia Bowl features entertainment, food, drinks and a healthy dose of team trivia competition.  It's my sincere hope that you'll find it in your heart to support my efforts with a sponsorship or donation that will go directly to CHF.

I need your help to reach my goal For The Kids. Thank you so much for supporting my efforts!


Children's Hospital Foundation improves the health of children through its support of research and education at the Oklahoma Health Center. With expertise in 30 pediatric subspecialties from infectious disease to critical care, the programs CHF supports provide care for more than 242,000 patient encounters each year. 

All funds raised through Children's Hospital Foundation stay in Oklahoma so that our children will have exceptional pediatric specialists without having to leave the state. 


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